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Home Services Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration, as a means of brand protection, is taken seriously by investors in various countries. Brand protection is a kind of region specific protection and different countries have their own requirements for trademark registration. Yosne provides trademark registration services in China and around the world, and deals with various issues for our clients in the course of trademark registration.

Trademark Classification

The 10th edition of the Nice Classification, an internationally accepted classification, issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization classifies the goods and services into 45 classes.

Our Services Include:

  ◆ China Trademark Registration             ◆ HongKong Trademark Registration


Business contact

WOFE/RO/Visa HK/Offshore company formation
郭小姐 (Vivian Guo) +86 21 6430 5286
周小姐 (Chloe Zhou) +86 21 6430 5121
Import & Export permit  Trademark Registration 
冯 小姐 (Miya Feng) +86 21 6430 5121
王 小姐 (Lau Wang) +86 21 6430 5286
Accounting  Enterprise annual inspection
吴小姐 (Wu Lei) +86 21 6430 5121
孙小姐 (Jenis Sun) +86 21 6430 5286
方小姐 (Pauline Fang) +86 21 6430 5121